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Together we can make fashion circular and help tackle the root causes of global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution

Consideration for sustainability and our impact on the environment is rooted at the core of our daily operations. We recognize that our activities have an impact on the environment, most significantly production processes and shipping. We operate an environmental management system to manage and minimise these impacts and ensure prevention of pollution and legislative compliance.


Our approach to sustainability

We take a holistic approach to sustainability; it goes well beyond just trims, packaging and labels. Sustainability is at the core of all daily processes as well as our end products.


We keep up to date with innovative products and ensure that our clients remain at the forefront of sustainability. We ensure that innovative and sustainable products are available as soon as possible without compromising on testing and quality.

At Circular, we support your sustainability strategy and offer solutions to help you achieve your targets.


As signatories of the UN Global Compact, we support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The UN Global Compact and it's principles form part of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change and environmental degradation. We have identified the following areas where Circular Branding Group has the biggest potential to contribute.


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Circular Approach
  • Trust & Transparency
    As supply chain specialists, we provide confidence to brands that their label, trim and packaging supply chains are fully audited and uphold the strictest ethical standards. Production facilities are subject to regular audits and a commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Innovation & Expertise
    As garment branding specialists, we support you from concept through to completion. Our collaborative approach allows us to combine your ideas with our expert knowledge to create exciting branding solutions.
  • Ethics & Sustainability
    We take the responsibility to ensure that your label, trim and packaging supply chain shares the same mission of minimising our environmental impact through daily processes as well as offering sustainable products and solutions. All production facilities are subject to signing the Circular Responsible Business Process agreement which seeks to ensure the welfare of the people and communities involved in making our products.
Supply Chain

Products, materials and solutions

We put our clients at the forefront of innovation and sustainability by bringing new products and ideas to market quickly.


At Circular, we offer a wide range of products to support your sustainability strategy and enjoy supporting our clients' transition towards more sustainable solutions.


We are constantly looking at ways in which we can take our solutions one step further.

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Products & Solutions

Our Sustainability Frameworks

We've designed our products with sustainability in mind. Check out our sustainability framework logos alongside product information.

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Cetificates & Initiatives

Certification & Initiatives

At Circular, we pride ourselves on our ethical and sustainable supply chain.


Circular and/or our partners comply and participate in the following certification, initiatives, audits and memberships.

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